Point your phone camera to the QR code that appears on your WhatsApp Desktop app.Quickly send and receive WhatsApp messages right from your computer. Once downloaded and installed, to log in: Open WhatsApp on your phone. Click on the three-dot icon.Download the new WhatsApp Desktop App for macOS here. Open WhatsApp Web in the Chrome browser and connect your account. If you plan on using WhatsApp Web instead of downloading the desktop app, you can create a shortcut to access it quickly from the taskbar in Windows. After the process, you will be connected to the WhatsApp Web.Invia e ricevi rapidamente messaggi WhatsApp direttamente dal tuo computer.13. You will be shown a QR code on your computer screen, you will have to lift your phone and scan the code. Open WhatsApp on your phone Go to settings by tapping on your profile photo, Menu, or Settings Tap Linked devices and then Link a device Point your phone to this screen to capture the QR codeTo connect your phone to the WhatsApp web, go to the Settings menu in your phone. Many of us value seeing our messages come onto our computer screens in. WhatsApp has become the most popular messaging app in the world, but it has now leaped off mobile devices and onto the web.